Monday, February 10, 2014

Smile a little.....

I never really think about being nice to people.  It just sort of happens.  I say hi to everyone I see or at least smile.

I remember when I had my corporate job a friend used to ask me after people walked by "Do you know him/her?" my response "No" ..... from that point on she called me the mayor.  I guess I have always been that way, even in my shyest moments I will smile and say hello.

It isn't always a great thing, as people are really attracted to that kindness and can turn into stalkers, but for the most part it has been cool.

I was reminded again of how I am nice to people, even people who I find annoying or will later confess I may dislike very much.  I guess it is the customer service in me.  My mom used to say "kill the with kindness" I guess I listened to her more than we thought.  :)  Imagine that.

Anyway I know of at least one person who is going to try and be nice to people this week.  She described herself as a bitch, I disagree she is very kind, just more reserved, she waits for the "Hi".  I wonder if this week she will throw out the "Hi".

I challenge you all to be kind, be friendly, throw a smile or a "hi" at someone.  It is way easier than being upset or avoiding or ignoring.  Take some time this week and be kind.

A down side to being so friendly is if I am feeling down or just not in the mood and I am quiet.  It is super noticeable so be sure not to be over the top.  :)  You don't want people to take notice when you are done being nice, or just don't feel like it.

Try it and let me know how it goes. 

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