Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Energy shifts within a situation.

I realized today that I have been playing a victim role in a situation, a couple really, even though it was not apparent to me until yesterday.

I was lacking some information that proved to be important and that allows me to move forward in my like and in the best interest of my family.

When I realized it, I also realized the HUGE energy shift. 

What a sense of freedom! It really felt like I was released from something that was binding me.  I am now feeling empowered and ready to take action.  Not just any action, but well thought out deliberate action.

While waiting I thought I was going insane, yet I kept thinking there would come a time when all that felt like wasted energy would come to pass with nice results but in it, I did not see any light.

Looking at the situation today the waiting was necessary for patterns to be formed and documented.  The waiting period has caused some harm but nothing that cannot be fixed in time.

The feeling is much like that in a game when you realize things are going in your favor. 

Often times (and I have seen this a lot lately on facebook) people mistake your kindness for weakness, or do not see that you are offering a gift, that you will bend.  It is often times not until you stop bending or being kind that people see you were trying to do what was in the best interest of all involved.

Sometimes they never get it and still walk around bad mouthing you or thinking of new ways to cause you harm for not understanding them.  I feel sad for these people becasue they cannot own their own stuff.  I feel sad for a moment becasue it is not mine.  Those who want the help will take it and those who do not, will not.  Not much difference to me. People like this will continually walk their path unaware blaming every one and eery thing for their issues. 

Anyway .....

All I know is that I waited and in that patterns emerged, and I rode the waves of emotion, I did not act on them,and this allowed for clarity and discovery. 

Although my situation is far from over, I am feeling empowered and confident and ready to proceed. 

I am going to look at other situations in my life that feel heavy and see if I cannot shift that energy too.  So many times we are playing victim or forced to defend etc and this energy is not positive, it is not empowering and it is not healthy.  A simple shift is all you need to get back into balance and feel great again. 

Let me know if I can help you discover these points at any time, I am always around for at least a  question or 2 at no charge email tamc2006@gmail.com 

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