Saturday, March 15, 2014

Where is the Sun? Gate 36

So for a few days me and some others have been walking around all grumbly, negative, some even angry.  I wondered is it the moon?  Is it the solar flares?  Then today after watching some stuff play out I thought.....WHERE IS THE SUN?!

The gate 36.  The gate 36 likes to create emotional drama or issues becasue it is bored.  It is the kind of energy that when something is too smooth or uneventful it flares up and makes it eventful. 

Some of you have this in our chart defined all the time.  I feel really bad for you.  The energy has really bothered me the last few days, it sent me into a tail spin.  The good side is it also uncovered something I need to deal with before I move forward in my life but overall it has been very uncomfortable.

Here is this weeks video!

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