Human Design Profiles are just as important as the centers and gates in your chart.
There are 12 profiles in Human Design. I am going to focus on mine today, as this is my blog hahaha
I am a 5/1. You may be too. Check your chart and see. If you do not have a chart email me your birth date/time/location and I will send you a FREE chart.
"Nobody Knows the Troubles I've Seen..." various artist have sung this, it popped into my head today so I am updating this post!
5/1 is a left angle profile which means, it is transpersonal, people with left angle profiles are here to universalize to connect other. This makes sense as I can always hook up people who can be useful to each other, I am also a great mediator.
At any rate the 5/1 profiles are born leaders, Their nature is very private, but in times of
need they are good at finding
solutions for organizations, governments and society
as a whole. Others have the
expectation that these people have the answers, and
if they don't deliver a practical
solution, their name can be ruined.
The hard part with all of this is that even when a 5/1 is like me, completely transparent, open and honest to a fault. Others may never hear it and only perceive what they chose to perceive. So not matter what you say or how you behave, sometimes people do not even get the truth of who you are or what you are going through.
I am not going to lie it can be very frustrating at times. It can be very discouraging, because when as 5/1 is accomplishing things and proud of themselves, many cannot share in their joy because they perceived it all as something else.
There is also this energy of people thinking they told me things, or we had conversations that never happened, based on their perceptions.
What can change this for the 5/1's? Awareness, both the 5/1's awareness and that of others.
So if you are having a day in which you feel no one gets you. Shift it and use your awareness to see that it doesn't really matter, it is just energy and if you can enter into a conversation following your strategy, then explain to them what is really going on vs. what they may be perceiving.
The key is follow your strategy for me if I am not responding to something, then no one is listening.
One that happens to me a lot is people don't think I am doing anything. I post on Facebook a lot part of it was to let people know what I was doing so they couldn't perceive something else, I started it as an experiment, and it still happens.
People know I work a lot and go to school and have kids etc, but will always assume I am not doing anything. A lot of the time it is funny, but ever so often it is frustrating and I have to remind myself of the energy. Nothing is personal it is all just energy.
I am late on the energy of the 9 video and will combine it with the 5 which is rhythm, as soon as I can. I will also add more about the other profiles soon.
Have a great night!
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