Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Join me on my see saw, won't you?

To me the most confusing thing about all the woo woo stuff I am into, is that I am not sure I truly believe in an after life.  I believe that energy never dies and that once the spark is gone your energy goes on to do other things, but I cannot say for sure if I think we reincarnate or come back as trees or come back at all. 

You know when you go under for surgery, sometimes I think that is what death is like except they do not wake you up again.  Unconscious, other times I think that we go somewhere, not as people with people experiences but as energy with energy experiences.

Now that being said,from my head my heart says:

I believe in angels and passed on loved ones communicating with you.  I also believe that many of us have been here before and carry some residual fears or missions to carry out. I believe that love is a powerful energy that even if unconscious brings us together, we may just not know it....

I am laughing now at me, and I am because I get messages for people and from people.  I get them all the time. Sometimes I pass them on sometimes I do not.  Sometimes I doubt they are from the other side and think it is residual energy that someone carries in their aura but I also believe in intelligent haunting.  There have been times when a butterfly has led me to a graveside, when I was not sure which one it was. 

I think all this seesaw waffling is what often holds me back from believing in my skill.  Yet, I also think that is what makes my skills more believable. A healthy dose of skepticism never hurt anyone....or has it?

I find it very funny when my young male friends come to me when I am in the shower.  No, I do not see them and they do not see me, but I think of a funny story or a memory or get a message in my mind.  Today was one for a friends son, the message was to the effect of, (and I will not direct quote because it is more the feeling than the words) 

Don't always let everyone know what you are doing or thinking, if you are crazy or sane, leave a sense of mystery, that is what will draw people to you they will want to know, they may never find out.  
Be mysterious.  

Totally what I would expect the dad to tell his son. Especially because I sensed he is concerned.

So does that make it real?  I believe so, for the fact that there was no reason for me to be thinking of them in the shower.  I just had surgery and I was concerned about my surgical site not hearing a message from an old friend.  Heck I had just finished taking off and fixing a door knob, these two were the farthest from my mind.  

Anyway, I am publicly acknowledging this message.  It happened, I got it, and I am passing it on, well in a way, not directly to the son as he is a minor but to my blog readers as I step out farther into who I really am.  

Can I read people on command? don't know, I have never tried, well that is not true either, I have tried and I have done it, but there was always just one acknowledgement and then the pressure of the persons curiosity and my fear would shut me down.  Not sure that is the route I want to go.  I know it is where the money is, but I find private healing sessions are a much better place to share this type of information.  It is of a healing nature after all.  People come for a healing, some stress relief and they may leave with a nugget of love from days gone by, they may not, but they leave feeling better just the same. 

Usually things come to me when I am performing a Reiki session or doing a reading, sometimes days later, in the way of a dream, a story, or a song.  I know when they happen and sometimes I also know when people I have not spoken to in years are thinking of me.  I cannot explain it.  I sometimes will try to verify it and sometimes I just know and it warms my heart. 

I know we all have these abilities some are just better at tapping into them than others.   I have no doubt of what I am capable of. 

Although I seem to waffle to and fro I do know that it is time to surrender to who I am and what I do, so that I can find the best way to help people.

Sometimes the advise I give or the answers to questions are not even my words at all, they are the words of someone a client has lost, a guide or some other message that comes through me and I am not always aware of thinking before I speak, but a lot of times they will say "my mom used to say that" or "that reminds me of what my dad used to tell me" and I am sitting there thinking "that was obviously them because I do not speak like that".

As I sit here writing this I have to wonder if I will ever post it.  I have a slew of unposted blog entries in my drafts folder.  Many have not been posted for fear and wondering what people would think or if it is good for business.

Also to show that I work from a place of knowing but often, doubting what I know, that is in my design it is me, but I do not doubt me, not for one second.

I have many skills and a lot of information to share and a lot of things to show others.  I plan to find the best way to do this and get it done.

I feel something big is coming and it is coming soon and I love all the support you give as I walk into whatever it may be.

Much love to all! 

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