HA! Got your attention didn't I!?!?! Now let me explain what this is all about.
When I was in my 20's, I used to want to write a book called a look (or was it a walk) inside my mind. (Funny I cannot remember.) It was going to be a collection of all of the poetry I had written.
I found as I shared them with people, they couldn't really grasp what I was saying. I have an interesting past full of losses, disappointments, and many overshadowed blessings, that at 24, not many had been through. Heck some of the people that I shared with who were in their 50's hadn't been through it. So I decided to put it aside. I decided people were not ready for that mind.
I have been thinking a lot lately about what I can do to express my Energy Sessions in one word, that people can understand and be interested in. I came up with "The Naked Reiki Master" It made me laugh thinking about the calls I would receive asking about my services.
Really as I started to think about it more, how what people like most about me and what I like most about me, is that I am me.
Funny as I was having these thoughts I was putting on my makeup (which as many know, beyond eyeliner I really do not like). I am always happy when I am me, it is when I am trying not to be me that I become unhappy, angry, or frustrated and stuck. I have been reminded lately of a few different times where I was trying to be something I wasn't, and they are the most trying and hurtful and biggest learning experiences in my life. I can honestly say I am still learning the lessons now. Some 15 plus years later.
I am just me, and I will always just be me and if me gains a few pounds or gets a big huge zit, I am still me and the me is the same one I put to bed at night and the same one that gets up in the morning. No facades or need to be anyone else except me. No need for botox or liposuction, not even the tummy tuck I have often thought about. For now I feel it is really important just to be me.
I share this today and wonder, maybe it is the same for you. As I stood there staring at myself in the mirror today, I noticed my cute little dimple is looking more like a wrinkle. I noticed it a week ago and it bothered me, now I see it differently as it is a part of me, and I am beautiful and so are you.
I thought maybe the time is now that a walk inside the mind of Tammy can really help people. I thought that maybe the time is now to become vulnerable and just put myself out there as I am, and do what it is that I do and just continue being me.
So I posted the picture above and a couple others on my FB page that my daughter took of me this sunny Sunday morning, as is, as a reminder to me that I am me and who better to be.
Bright Blessings to you all!
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