It was a comedy of errors (not really errors, differences) my birds decided it was time to chat, my webcam software was completely different, I played with new lighting buttons, and I am not really clear headed yet. Got lots going on, working a lot and in different arenas, started a new class, etc.
I truly love my life and what is has become of late. So blessed!
OK so here is the description of the energy of the gate 61. Truth/Mysery
It is knowingness without the benefit of logic. It cannot explain what it knows or how or why it knows it to be true. It is about waiting, testing, discovering. This energy can feel different and the ideas may be different.
I think that is where my whole tangent on waiting in the video came from, none of us are used to or want to wait. None of us want to put things on hold to see if they are right, we want to jump in with both feet and see what happens, which can be fun, but not waiting to see can also lead to hurt, mistakes, and self loathing. Wicked theme this week around not worry about how or why. Just accept.
OK on to my video, I didn't re-watch it nor do I truly remember what I said so I hope it gets to whomever it is supposed to!
Which seems is not going to be the case, the video will not upload to the page so here is a link to get to it. :)
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