Hey all
Happy Holidays and such. I am behind on my last video, mostly because it fell during my time off. Yes I said it time off. Well I had time off from school 2 weeks, and I took some time off from doing readings and coaching, some planned some just happened. I did a lot of work on a new venture I am helping a friend with, as well as my regular day job, but when I could tried to rest.
We all know I cannot rest really so I spent a lot of time trolling the internet catching up with friends and in some cases meeting new people. I love the internet, without it I wouldn't talk to half of my friends, or be in school....funny.
At any rate I am totally ready for 2014 and whatever it brings with it. I have cleared out a lot of stuff that has been holding me back, coming to terms with parts of me that cannot be changed or tweaked and working on the things that can.
Thank goodness for my kids, I have said it since I had my first they sure do ground me. They are just about the only thing that can, actually they are the only thing that can and for that I am ever so grateful, even when I want to choke them out. :) They are wonderful little people.
So onward we go into 2014 for some it will be a better year than last for others it has already proven worse than last but regardless we must move on.
There will be some more big changes for me in the coming months, some great some a little more difficult but I am ready and motivated.
The Human Design New Year is not for a couple weeks I will fill you in on those details at a later date.
This post is more about connecting, sometimes I just feel I need to show me as me in my rawness. Forever changing yet being very much the same.
I had this idea the other day, sometimes when I post overly optimistic stuff it is met with challenges from people, and that is cool, I used to do it, but sometimes I want to review what I have been through in my past to show people that I was there, and I am here now, and yes it is hard and sometimes too soon to try but they can be here too. Then I don't want to get into it, because no one is the same even if we share the same types of stories and it seems a waste of energy to explain. Frankly sometimes I am too positive for myself to deal with!
Over my break I did come up with a way to do it, and of course by the time I was out of the shower the thought was gone. So I will say this, be assured you are not alone in your feelings and know that even at your darkest moment that there are others in that darkness to and sometimes it just takes someone like me to light a match and blow it out, but in that quick second you saw another person in that dark with you. Then to me I did what I am here to do.
I will share today I drove about 30+ miles just a quick ride and I was very impatient with the driving skills of those around me. I had to check my zen :)
So anyway that about sums it up for today.
Be well!