Monday, December 5, 2011

We all have flaws

I know it has been a while and I hope to be able to write more regularly once the holidays are over.

I have been thinking about speaking our truth this week. I was prompted by the throat Chakra suggestion I received this week and the idea to do weekly Chakra information.  Thanks Vickie!

I will be posting that information on my FB page Tammy Murray Cousins Holistic Healing and Coaching weekly. I will also be posting that information on another page I am affiliated with "Women Empowering Other Women" 

Anyway I have been thinking about living and speaking our truth and what that means.  It doesn't mean walking around telling people off, in fact it is quite the contrary.  I believe first and foremost it is being true to ourselves and speaking to ourselves honestly.

We all have flaws, none of us are designed perfectly.  Wait let me use a different word because I think we are all perfect for who and where we are and that there is no real perfection standard we all must live by. 

Hmmm let me say it this way,  when we are not in acceptance of our flaws, or try to be what we thing others want us to be, this is where we run into trouble. 

In these cases no matter what others do we will not be happy or even notice. The thoughts in our heads are truly powerful things.

Many times because we are disappointed in ourselves for one reason or another, we will blame others, or behave in a passive aggressive manner to get attention from those whom we love.  Sometimes after that doesn't work we have outbursts in an attempt to explain the issue, but usually that doesn't end well and instead of stating what we need, we provide a long list of what others make us do. 

Sound familiar?

So I ask, what is your flaw and what have you been doing subconsciously to others because of it? 

I also challenge you to be honest with yourself. Love and accept your flaws, own them, love them.  It is in doing this, that you open yourself up to a much better state of being.

I know it is soo counter productive we live in a world humming with people telling us to  "lose weight" "get rid of wrinkles" "be a perfect parent" "be a better partner" and soo many more I cannot type them all. 

Take a moment today and love you for you.



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