you ever found yourself standing at what you believe to be an impasse in your
life path?
sure have, it was only a few years ago while working successfully in corporate
America that I found myself wondering how aligned I was with my true purpose. I worked hard, I was good at what I did, but
I didn’t love it and I was not happy.
years of wondering, taking workshops, and banging my head against a wall, I
found Human Design. I received a free
chart and a few months later had a 2 hour reading, in that time I was shown my
true energy blueprint, my true unconditioned path and ways in which to
accomplish what I thought was only a dream.
learned that the dreams I had as a child were truly the direction I was meant
to move in. That everything I had been
through in life was part of the preparation for my success and that the ways in
which people open up to me and how I help them is what was truly natural.
has been an amazing experience, I am now in a place where I accept myself and more
importantly others, as they are, I no longer feel a need to change people,
control issues, and I am truly free to just be.
Design is a system that combines the ancient tools of Eastern and Western
Astrology, the Chinese I’Ching, The Judaic Kabbalah, the Hindu Chakra System,
and Quantum Physics. Your unique Human Design chart is calculated using your
natal birth date, time and place.
Human Design Chart represents your unique energetic pattern; You are uniquely
designed energetically, and your specific design will provide conscious and
unconscious gifts, talents, and strategies that you can implement to
materialize the life you want, knowing your Human Design can help you find your
unique path to financial and relationship success.
actual “chart” is the body graph you see in the mandala above. It is made up of 9 centers and 32 channels
connecting those centers, the channels are made up of 64 gates ( the lines
connecting them) The centers, channels, gates will either contain color or be
white, and depending on which, specific information and strategies can be
center is can be defined and means that you process energy in fixed ways, or
undefined meaning the processing of energy is inconsistent. It is said that where you are undefined you
have a deeper ability to become wise in relationship to that energy.
head center, is located at the top of the body graph and is the triangle
pointing upwards. If you have a white
triangle you have what is referred to an open head, this means that you take in
the inspiration of others and are inspired to act upon that inspiration. It also means that you can read people’s
minds. People with definition in the head center broadcast inspirations and
thought 24/7.
The thoughts and
inspiration are picked up by an open head and because the head is a pressure
center, the open head feels compelled to run with that inspiration. The challenge is; knowing what is yours, and
what is not, and knowing what inspirations you should keep and what you should
gates defined, give meaning to why you or others may behave in a certain
fashion. There is a gate that when
defined in a chart will send out energy that makes people feel compelled and
comfortable to tell you their deepest darkest secrets. I have it, and it happens to me ALL the time!
Based on the type of your definition,
conscious or non conscious you will be aware of your energy and accept your
role if you know your design, or wonder why people keep spilling their guts to
you if you are unaware of your design.
in your body graph also indicates the other three parts of your chart.
1. Your Type: This is the most important aspect
of Human Design. There are five Types,
knowing your type will provide the basis for living in alignment with your true
nature. Each Type has its own specific Strategy for navigating smoothly through
everyday life.
2. Your Authority: Human Design will provide you
with an accurate and reliable decision making strategy. Now, instead of feeling pressured and
anxious, you can make decisions with confidence and clarity.
3. Your Profile: Your Profile will describe your
learning style and the ways you interact with others.
valuable lesson that Human Design teaches is that energy is not personal.
there is someone in your life who behaves critically, they most likely have
criticism and correction in their charts. When a person has these traits they use
them to correct patterns in behavior that they have knowingness about. This may not always be done in the most
constructive way. Correction is projected energy and should only be given when
asked for. Having awareness of these traits in your chart provides
understanding of why you feel or act a certain way, and in turn, an opportunity
to manage relationships better.
Awareness brings change.
Design will show you your individual strategy for navigating your life journey.
Design delves into your inherent nature, your own energetic DNA in a way that
other disciplines are not equipped to
do. It also reveals dimensions of your nature, such as your decision making
strategy, that no other personality profiling system can provide.
Design is truly a breakthrough in self-acceptance and self-understanding.
do I know this you ask? I am totally aligned.
I left corporate, and now work a couple part time traditional jobs, while
spending most of my time with my family and working on my coaching
business. Human Design changed my whole
story is not the only one I could share I have yet to meet one person who
haven’t resonated with what was in their Human Design Chart.
The cooler part is an introductory chart and summary of your type and strategy is free!!! Contact me on my FB page or via email for more info! tamc2006@gmail.com