Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Resolutions 2013

Years ago, I cannot even remember how long it has been, I gave up making resolutions. It must have been around the time I gave up giving things up for lent. 

You see I was never really great at giving up things, well minus drinking, drugs, and smoking.  Just past 20 years and will be 13 years in February on the latter. 

I remember when I quit I needed support from certain people.  I leaned on a few a great deal.  I will be forever grateful for their help.  I am also grateful for the friends who accepted my changes and didn't question my decisions.  No one was pushing me to have just one or asking "what't the matter won't your mommy let you smoke?" I was lucky to be accepted as I changed my life. I made firm descisions and stuck to them.

I guess that is where the difference is, for me, decisions vs. resolutions/sacrifice. Choice vs. expectations, or pressure.  I made decisions to change my life on my own, no one forced it, the choices were mine to make.

A resolution however is not the same for me, a resolution is something that people expect you to do, something we do to correct something we do not like about ourselves, something to focus negatively on and beat ourselves up for.  To me that is just giving our brain one more thing to belittle ourselves with.

What is your new years resolution? What did you give up for lent?   "Well I started a diet but it was too hard to stick to" "I gave up meat but had a pepperoni by mistake" "I'm a loser"   Blaaaaaaaaa

I tried to have a yearly theme too.  I think last year was "expansion",  HA! be careful what you wish for 2012 was my heaviest weight year without being pregnant, in my whole life.   I expanded alright! 

This year I got a word search looking thing on Facebook, I think it had something to do with the new year.  I saw; Lust, Friends, Fun, sounds good to me, perhaps that should be my theme for the year, we all know I could use it! 

What is my point?  heck I am not sure I have one....just using a time of year and a word to share a little bit of Tammy with you. I mean who couldn't use a little bit of Tammy once in a while......

If I put on my human design hat for a moment I could explain that your Will Center really plays a huge role in what resolutions/sacrifices you are able to keep or not keep, why, and how to get that will power energy more consistently in your life, but this is not a commercial today, this is just a blog post. 

If I jump to my energy work, the energy around you significantly influecnces what you are and are not able to do. 

All this being said, I am not against anyone who chooses to make resolutions/sacrafices, those who set goals for the year, or have themes, in fact I support them all a great deal, even work with some. 

It is just my preference to pass on the resolutions.  I wish you luck and joy with yours!

Wishing you all a Healthy and Happy 2013!

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