Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I have had a lot of clients this year who I shared Reiki with; many were hospice patients and have since passed away.  I feel I was honored to provide them with a little peace before they moved on.  Each person teaches me something or shares a tid bit of themselves that I feel soo blessed to have known.

Because of this work, I did not think twice when I was contacted by an acquaintance, who owns a 12 year old dog, that had been having health issues for a while.  The family knew what the end result would be, but wanted a bit more time, a chance to try everything, time to adjust to the decision they were going to have to make.   I had to go in expecting the unchanging result.  What I did not expect was the experience I had. 

The dog was more than a dog, as many feel; the dog was a part of their family.  However unlike most dogs this particular dog was wise. We clicked instantly.  She was open to Reiki and enjoyed the process.  She was often by the door or at the top of the stairs waiting for me to arrive.  

The first day I arrived she came right to me and laid down before I even got all the way up the porch stairs.  She allowed me to do my thing, and when she was done she would get up and walk away.   

In fact, the first night she decided she was not exactly done and got my attention and let me know I was to continue.  When we were done she ate, for the first time in days.  

Another time I arrived and she was in her bed home alone sleeping.  Thank Goodness she was sleeping, her breathing was so spaced out I got scared for a moment or two.  I sat by her and she looked at me and welcomed our time together. By the time I left she was awake walking and actually went outside and buried a bone. 

It became quite apparent that the sessions energized her long enough to play, eat, and spend time with her loved ones. 

This dog touched my soul, she was beautiful and kind, she loved her people, and she taught me a lot about the energy that I work with.  In fact this dog has forever changed me and how I look at myself as a facilitator of healing.  

...and as for the word acquaintance, I wish there was a word that felt a little deeper than friend becasue that family will forever hold a spot in my heart. 

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